Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Heart

One of your most strongest organs... But I feel it's the most fragile 

People underestimate how fragile it really is. No one should have to 
experience the pain of a broken heart but I feel it's all apart of life. 
We've all been to that point where we feel like we don't want nothing 
and no one but the person we love and want then it all comes crashing 
down. Whether it was just a crush, or love. Even if you've haven't 
experienced it one day you will. Everyone is different when it comes to 
having a broken heart. Some people can cope with it some can't. That's 
why you should always be gentle and '' handle with care '' when someone 
gives you their all. You never know how much damage you may cause life 
long to that person. To me when it comes to feelings, and love, The 
heart is your brain because that's all you think with. You may hear that 
voice in your head telling you don't do it, warning you about the pain u 
may feel in the end but those feelings always take over your heart 
always wins in most cases depending on how strongly you may feel.
Having a broken heart is sometimes hard to deal with even after you 
think you're over whatever it is that broke it. Because no matter what 
you're forever going to be cautious about who you give it to, and who 
you let in. It's like you're in this world where you feel anything and 
everything can break you down and beat you down even more. Sad enough, 
It's mostly women who end up in this world because she's been played 
with, and sh**ted on by some di**head but every now and then it's a male 
because some female is on the same sh** some d**khead dudes be on. 
That's why if you meet someone with a broken heart you can't force them 
to be better the only thing you can do is be patient, wait, and do your 
best to show them that not everyone is the same. Alot of people get hurt 
and say f**k love. But love is life, Life without love is no life at all 
and people need to come that in mind after being hurt. There's always 
someone out there to help you pick up those pieces of that broken heart. 
Be cautious but also be open to letting someone in again slowly but 
surely because you never know that might be the person to handle your 
heart the right way with '' care '' and '' love '' like you deserve.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Game

We all play it.... To some extent.
In the end we all lose. Nothing sucks worse than being lead to believe 
something is real or that anything you felt was just a ''joke'' to 
another person. We've all been there. We've all been played or did the 
playing at some point in our lives but maybe at younger ages. I mean 
lets be honest we all did our dirt when we was younger and played around 
with peoples heads just to see if we could. Honestly, Thats where it 
should stop right there at that '' young age ''. When you're grown you 
should be focused on starting to build that life preparing yourself for 
the broken hearts, the kids, the mistakes and the issues people deal 
with everyday. The last thing on your mind should be f***ing with 
someones mind, body, and soul.
It's not just one sex doing it. It's men and women and honestly it 
really needs to stop. I know women say '' think like a nigga don't get 
played like a b***h '' or some silly sh** and that's honestly the worse 
thinking to have. What do you gain by playing head games with someone 
who may genuinely care about you? Life is meant to put your all into 
something and see what you gain from it whether its a broken heart or 
broken bone. And males are just as worse. '' I don't love these h**s.'' 
I admit I WAS that dude. And honestly looking back I hurt a good girl 
with that mentality and I wake up everyday regretting it.
Playing these mind games while you're grown will end up having you 
living lonely as f**k in a house fulla cats watching the ''stories'' 
feel me? And i'm sure nobody wants to be that one old crazy person on 
the block people don't even talk to because their miserable. Thats why 
all those games should be left for the kids. All i'm saying is be real 
from the jump put everything on the table so everyone knows the deal. 
Don't hide things don't play silly games to hide em or play games so you 
can f**k with everyone and tell everyone the same thing. Because at the 
end of the day it all comes to light and you're going to look like the 
fool. To me when people play games and mess with peoples heads, thats 
just a defense mechanism because they've been the person played and 
they're scared to put in their all. Accept that pain is apart of 
relationships, and love. Don't bring the same hurt you felt to another 
human being. It makes you a hypocrite.
Remember these 3 things....
Love Life
Life is Love
Every heart is fragile

Friday, June 18, 2010

Your Worth

I'm sure every woman and man has experienced someone in their lives that has made them feel like absolute crap. That someone being a person you loved more than anything more than life itself. Being in a relationship with that someone who constantly neglects your mind, body and soul. Making you feel less of a woman and detaches you from logical thinking to realize you don't deserve what you're being given.

Nothing p*sses me off more than seeing a beautiful, amazing woman in a relationship with a boy. Not a man, A BOY! A man will do anything to make that woman feel so good, so amazing, and like nothing in the world matters to him but her. A boy beats you down emotionally and tries to break you down. I mean women really need to wake up and realize p*ssy is power, yeah I said it. Your worth  is priceless and you shouldn't take sh*t from no man. I honestly really wish all women would see they deserve MORE in a relationship when they see things are so wrong and so out of place but this all ties into one of my other articles ''The Heart''. People think with their hearts and forget everything else and forget they deserve only the best.

All i'm saying is WOMEN mostly, Stop letting crappy dudes walk all over you. There is someone out there that will treat you like the queen u should be treated like. You should never settle for the bullsh*t when all it does is break you down and makes you feel like sh*t when you aren't. Women are the most BEAUTIFUL creatures to walk this earth but ya'll complex, confusing, and evil! Lol but I love y'all and i'm only speaking this to hopefully open the eyes of those chicks who are settling for less and hopefully keep the eyes already opened on they toes so they never fall into that ''slump''.  

Your worth is priceless, Never let a dude make you feel any different!

Never settle for less because you deserve the best.