Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Love Is A Drug

As I'm getting older the more relationships I have I've found that a few were hard to really let go of. I mean I guess that happens when strong feelings and real love is there you know? Alot of people stay in these emotionally abusive relationships cause they're scared to let go. Maybe because their scared they wont feel what that person makes them feel anymore, or maybe they feel it's worth fighting for. I mean everyone has been in that position where they feel like there is really nothing else out there for them so they try to fix things over and over knowing it'll never work. Basically I'm saying letting go isn't all that bad.
               Letting go is what makes you stronger for more situations like that one. It shows you  that you're growing emotionally and can fight those emotions when you need to. It'll make you grow into someone that wont let people walk over them and take advantage of what you feel because they know you won't go anywhere. I've been in both positions and honestly I've learned from it and I try my best now in every relationship to not be the abuser or the one being abused u know?
               When you tear someone down emotionally and mentally it's the worse man. In the end you're gonna see the pain you caused, the hurt you put upon that person and you're not gonna feel too hot. Seeing someone that you hurt can be the most eye opening thing in the world. It shows you the evil you possess, the power you have over someone that will give u the world if they could. That power is shouldn't be abused you know? Honestly, It's all on the person that's abusing someone. You should see that YOU should have sense enough to let someone go. YOU should have sense enough to see how badly you're hurting someone and I honestly don't see why that would even not wake u up and show u how crappy you're being.

                 Anyone that stays in an abusive relationship is not in their right mind. That's clear and you see that. You see that you can take advantage and do what you please to that person and instead of sitting them down talking and showing them its not healthy you continue to use. Abusing them until YOU feel it's enough. No human being deserves to be abused or used for their feelings. It's the worse thing you can do to anyone and i'm saying this from experience from being on both sides of the fence. I take it as one of lifes lessons and I wanna share my life, my lessons, and my mistakes to teach and try to guide people to whats right. But i'll leave you with this. I've said this plenty .And seen it somewhere dont remember..
''Love is a drug''
And I feel so is abusing someone because it's hard to quit once you start.